Episode 2011-11-08: Amazonian DickFish by MoleHoleRadio
The gangs first show done over Google+ Hangouts! (Check out our Google+ page and circle us)
We ran out of storage space on the memory card when recording. The show ends kind of abruptly around 1h 23minutes. If you’re at all concerned with what you may have missed (which includes a lengthy discussion regarding ‘Real Dolls’) Join us in the Google+ hangout session next time and listen/interact Live! You won’t miss a thing.
- The Candiru A.k.A – Amazonian Dick Fish
- Online Multiplayer and why it sucks
- Fuck you early X-mas
- Goggs hates the Duggars.
- Mass Sterilizations?
- Topo is hates Bees/Wasps/Flying stingy monsters. Loves Honey.
- Concerned with sharks flying off of trucks and biting off heads
- Saints Row III
- Why Goggs is a bad friend
- Annual Roast
- Four Loko makes things EEEEVVVIILLL
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