The Flex Mentallo show : The Robits June 14, 2017 TJ TJ Jack and topo are here to talk about the news that you can use
The Flex Mentallo show : The emperor of sand April 19, 2017 TJ TJ look who’s back ! Jack and topo are back for the talk that makes your ears…
The Flex Mentallo show : The point of it all February 16, 2017 TJ TJ Jack and Topo Welcome Speical guest Matt Pie as we discuss the unnecessary point of existence
The Flex Mentallo show : The day before January 20, 2017 TJ TJ Jack and topo are back to talk about the nintendo switch, chicken wing helmets and so…
The Flex Mentallo show : The Top 5 of 2016 December 22, 2016 TJ TJ jack and topo talk about the tops of 2016