MoleHole Radio
MoleHole Radio
MoleHole podcast 6-22-15 : Enough with the Hitler


GUIOGUIGUIGUIGThis week El topo speaks his mind so violently that his brain literally shoots out of his mouth onto the floor. Hela the cat then plays with his disembodied head meat. It’s adorable! Horrific, but adorable.

Topics covered this week:

  • dating is terrible when you’re a mole
  • memes are terrible
  • the Confederate flag is just terrible
  • people giving  porn play-by-play are terrible
  • video games are terrible

Everything is terrible, but you, our listeners. So, for you, Topo answers some questions.

Here’s the meme that Topo talks about:

I hate everything
I hate everything

INTRO/OUTRO BY Doug LLewelyn *with topo on bass*


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